Sunday, March 13, 2016

Why Self-Care is Essential for You and Your Relationship

Today I sweated my buns off in spin class, walked to the dog park, and cooked up some delicious (and healthy) food for the week. It was a good day, my only day off during the week. Those things I did today make me happy. But that's just me. For my husband, a day off would include a couple of cold beers, a football game and a bunch of good friends to hang with. Either way, taking time for yourself is essential to recharging your batteries before a week of work and stress. Some people, like myself, recharge by being alone, while others, like my extroverted hubby, love being around others. When you allow yourself time and money to be spent on things that make you feel alive and joyful, you are able to be more present for your work, your spouse, and most importantly- yourself. I suggest varying the things you do so that you combine relaxing activities (like TV watching, naps, going to the movies) with fun, new hobbies to expand your personality (like taking an art class or trying a new cuisine). Whatever it is that makes your feel alive, do it for yourself. Life is too short to spend it focusing only on work and bills. So relax, kick back, and take care of yourself. Your mood will improve and your life will too.

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